Charlevoix’s Famous Tarte Au Sucre (Sugar Pie)


  • Pie crusts – 2
  • Brown Sugar #1 – 1 ¼ pound
  • Cake flour (Monarch) – 2 oz
  • Eggs (large) – 6
  • Brown Sugar #2 – 8 oz
  • Maple syrup – 3 oz
  • Honey – 3 oz
  • 35% cream – 2 ¼ cup
  • Milk – 3 oz
  • Butter unsalted – 3 ½ oz


In a bowl mix the first quantity of brown sugar, cake flour and the eggs. Whisk until smooth and set aside.

In a pot mix the second brown sugar, maple syrup, honey, cream and the milk; place on stove top, using a wooden spatula stir and bring to simmer. Pour part of this mix into the first one to heat, then combine both mix into the pot; simmer for about 10 to 15 min and then add the melted butter. Mix, and then remove from heat. Pour into a bowl and let it cool down.

Refrigerate over night. Preheat oven at 325 F.

Pour mixture into two unbaked 9’’ pie shell, cook for about 1hrs 15 min, cool down room temperature and refrigerate before eating.

Bon appétit !

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