


1pm to 5pm

Duration: 50 min per workshop
All workshops will be given four times from:

1:00pm – 1:50pm

2:00pm – 2:50pm

3:00pm – 3:50pm

4:00pm -4:50pm

Espresso 101

Salle Saguenay

By Vincenzo Vinci & Alex Sereno from Café Barista

Espresso 101 is an introduction to the world of coffee, covering topics such as how coffee is grown, the processes involved in its first transformation, and the differences between producing countries. The roasting aspect is also explained: we talk about the different types of roasting on coffee beans and how to appreciate them at their true value.

Histoires de bières

Salle Tadoussac

By Julien Chevrel of Microbrasserie Charlevoix

he story of Charlevoix’s 1st microbrewery, from 1998 to today. Discover and taste one of their exclusive products.

Charlevoyou Vins et Spiritueux

Salle Malbaie A

Par Madeleine and Alexandre Dufour from la Famille Migneron de Charlevoix

Known for their cheeses for almost 30 years, Charlevoix’s Famille Migneron is now also involved in the wine industry. Whether it’s their Nordic organic wines, or their spirits from the circular economy, the Charlevoyou division of the Famille Migneron continues to push the boundaries of agricultural creativity and innovation.

Mixologie et Terroir

Salle Malbaie B

By Geoffroy Coenen, bar supervisor and mixologist Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu

Un aperçu des grandes tendances en mixologie au Québec avec la valorisation des produits régionaux.  Découvrez un véritable cocktail ”création” du Manoir suivi d’une mise en pratique avec la création d’un cocktail en équipes.